trump nominates kavanaugh for supreme court

Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Doug Jones of Alabama, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Dianne Feinstein of California. Feinstein is the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee. The others are Republican targets for the confirmation vote who come from Trump-won..

monthly review

At the very moment when the social-democratic conquests of social security are being eroded in the opulent West, poor China is implementing the expansion of social security in three dimensions—health, housing, and pensions. ..

1968: year of revolution

A generation was tragically lost to struggle who could have regenerated the Italian workers’ movement on a much higher plane, through the development of a mass, or at least large, alternative party to the PCI on clear revolutionary, socialist and democratic lines. . The movement in eastern Europe,..

profiles of the typology groups

Most oppose Iraq, and views of America's overall policy are mixed and they are less opposed to Bush's stance than are other Democratic groups.. Largely concentrated in South and West, relatively few in East and Midwest. ..

section 1: the political typology

Indeed, more than one-in-four (29%) say they would vote for George W. ... The Partisan Poor make up the fourth Democratic group — the most racially diverse group that is characterized by its high financial insecurity and strong loyalty to the Democratic Party. ..

why dems are more worried than ever about november

Walden noted that while Obama’s approval rating is currently at 41 percent in national polling, it is in the range of 20 percent in some Democratic districts that have been targeted by the GOP – including the district of Democratic Rep. Nick Rayhall of West Virginia. . “This..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.