illegal us nuclear weapons handouts

In paper for Science for Democratic Action, German weapons Otfried Nassauer, director of Berlin's Information Center for Transatlantic Security, concluded, NATO's program of 'nuclear sharing with European countries violates Articles I and II of Treaty... ..

monthly review

With the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) cornered in Chiapas and the left-of-center Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) covered in disgrace following the revelation of political payoffs, one could say that the FSCISP has emerged as the real potential force of the Mexican..

views on homosexuality, gender and religion

Republicans are divided over whether belief God is necessary to be moral, little changed over the 15 years since Center first asked the question. About two-thirds of Democrats and Democratic leaners say it's not necessary to believe God order to be moral and have good values, up from..

silha center : university of minnesota

Located within School of Journalism and Mass Communication at University of Minnesota, Silha Center is the vanguard of School's interest in the ethical responsibilities and legal rights of the in democratic society.. ..

beyond red vs. blue

While some voting blocs on the right are Republicans this situation tend to be more hopeful and in their outlook than their more fatalistic counterparts in Democratic Party.. In some ways, the biggest difference between Pew Research Center typology and those in Clinton era concerns the..

political activist remembered as trailblazer

She was the must-see person for any candidate running for anything in Democratic Party, . . Hines was one of the first board members of the Opportunities Industralization Center Rocky Mount, while also being member of NAACP, Urban League and several other community organizations,..

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