
sessions senate bid would draw trump white house opposition

Trump is still angry with Sessions, saying the move subjected him to lengthy special counsel investigation into allegations that he colluded with Moscow to defeat Democratic Hillary Clinton.. ..

political wire

must-read for anybody hoping to understand how Trump captured Republican in 2016, then defeated Democratic Hillary Clinton in the election, victory for populist forces over establishment figure. ..

talk radio’s america

must-read for anybody hoping to understand how Trump captured Republican in 2016, then defeated Democratic Hillary Clinton in the election, victory for populist forces over establishment figure. ..

hillary clinton

Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic Hillary Clinton talked about her experiences in the election, Russian influence in our elections, her thoughts on America's in the world and the future of politics.   ..

senate has uncovered no direct evidence of conspiracy between trump

But investigators disagree along party lines during and after Russian intelligence operatives were seeking to help Donald Trump by leaking hacked Democratic emails and attacking his opponent, Hillary Clinton, on social media... ... It included the hacking and leaking of..

andrew gillum – post on politics

Bennett Palm Beach Post ) Florida Democratic Andrew Gillum is reaching out to the establishment wing and bringing Hillary Clinton for rally somewhere in deep-blue South Florida on Oct 23, Gillum campaign announced today.. ... Wiles was Florida for Donald Trump's 2016 campaign,..

donald trump – post on politics

Bennett Palm Beach Post ) Florida Democratic Andrew Gillum is reaching out to the establishment wing and bringing Hillary Clinton for rally somewhere in deep-blue South Florida on Oct 23, Gillum campaign announced today.. ... Wiles was Florida for Donald Trump's 2016 campaign,..

the case for offshore balancing

On the campaign trail, both Democrat Bernie Sanders and Republican Donald Trump found receptive audiences subsidizing allies defense, and intervening militarily — leaving only Democratic Hillary Clinton to defend the status quo.. ..

libertarian gary johnson scores a major victory in his white house bid

Johnson and Weld hoping that this political feat will put added pressure on the Commission on Presidential Debates to allow Johnson on stage Sept 26 when Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump go head-to-head in the first of three televised presidential debates. ..

battleground states are starting to look like cakewalks for clinton

in another sign of the businessman's souring political fortunes, Washington Post ABC News poll shows Democratic Hillary Clinton leading Trump by 14 points -- 52 percent to 38 percent among registered Virginia voters, among likely voters, 51 percent to 43 percent.. ..

why hillary clinton was right on boko haram

Former Secretary of State and presumptive 2016 Democratic Hillary Clinton has been under fire from Republicans recent days for failing to designate Boko Haram, the group for the kidnapping of some 200 Nigerian school girls, as terrorists after the group attacked United Nations Abuja..

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