the myths of indian nationalism

Caste, for Anderson, is “the secret of Indian democracy,” its enabling condition and not just an obstacle to its realization. . • • • . When first published in the London Review of Books, Anderson’s essays caused quite a stir, and several critical responses proliferated online. ..


Baeidinejad said that the keen interest shown by many countries in having legitimate economic cooperation with Iran promises a positive future for the Islamic Republic. . He made the remarks today in a seminar marking the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in London. . ..

the rise and fall of new world slavery

I see the great plantation boom as sowing the seeds of conflict between colonial elites and the metropolis—and later between a new “picaresque proletariat” and the planters and their bourgeois hangers-on in New York and London. . The maritime strength of the early U.S. republic allowed..

iran: rebellion and reaction

The more the competing factions at the top of society clash over the legacy of the revolution that overthrew U.S.-backed, Shah of Iran, the greater for the movement to organize around its own interests. ..

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