monthly review

It inspired the establishment of Business Roundtable, American Legislative Exchange Council, Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute, and Citizens for Sound Economy. ..

approves resolution on iraq

WASHINGTON - United Nations Security Council approved U.S of Iraq yesterday, and the new mandate appeared unlikely to relieve American troops and taxpayers of the major burden of stabilizing and rebuilding the country.. ..

iraq rejects tougher review

WASHINGTON - Iraq reacted with defiance yesterday to American and British proposals for tough new arms-inspection measures even as Russia, Baghdad's on United Nations Security Council, agreed to give the proposals careful look.. ..

what susan rice's white house promotion means

., the writer and former National Security Council staffer Samantha Power), but advocates of greater American involvement in the Syrian civil war, the most acute problem Rice will face in her new position, will be disappointed to learn that she isn't particularly optimistic about the effect..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.