us: detainees transferred from syria to iraq

However, on October 15, in a meeting with Iraq’s High Judicial Council, a senior supervisory official confirmed to Human Rights Watch that al-Nuwajha was in Counter Terrorism Service custody. ... On October 15, a senior Iraqi official confirmed to Human Rights Watch in a meeting with Iraq’s High..

department press briefing

However, I will highlight in the UN Security Council resolutions, those resolutions included ballistic missiles, recognizing – as do so many other governments – that ballistic missiles continue to be a threat from North Korea. . ... I actually wanted to ask about the announcement you made today..

government news 13/11

It was signed on the sidelines of the 17th ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Council Meeting in Singapore. . ... As one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, France has been active in joining the UN peacekeeping activities. ..

analyst: government appointments ‘a waste of national budget’,

Chhum also named 46 officials in decree dated October 5 who were made advisers attached to Council of Ministers positions equivalent to undersecretaries of state, and ministers.. ... Council of Ministers Phay Siphan said the appointments were made to meet the demand of each state..


Using gerrymandered electoral boundaries and a corrupt voting system which allowed wealthier citizens to have multiple votes in local elections, the unionists maintained a majority of members on the council in a city with a nationalist majority Free article . . . . 3 October 2018 . ..

germany invades norway, again

In the latest issue of German Council on Foreign Relations, Michael Rühle, head of Energy Security Unit in Department for New Security Challenges, called for Germany to develop some kind of nuclear weapon. ..

no end in sight for disastrous war on yemen

Security Council. At the internet portal Relief Web, an information service of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the war-torn country only makes it to sixth place on the “hit list” of international crises and disasters. . ..

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