
pentagon warns congress that climate change is a 'national

Defense Department issued report to Congress Thursday finding that climate change is a national security issue that could leave military bases vulnerable to coastal flooding and wildfires fueled by drought... ... The push by Congress, and Pentagon, to consider the risks of climate change..!/quality/90/?

liberal states move beyond obamacare

These state plans share the same objectives as Democratic proposals Congress, and they in one important way They do not face the obstacle of GOP-controlled Senate... Realistically, Congress is going to be there for the next two years, states going to have to take role, said Tom Kise,..

shut down the war machine!

Last November, Pentagon admitted what critics have known for years It cannot pass audit that would let Congress, the media and taxpayers know what it does with the trillions of dollars that have been lavished on war and preparing for war by this country.. ..

war whores

In our faineant Congress women as different as Nancy Pelosi and Lisa Murkowski, Diane Feinstein and Liz Cheney, Elizabeth Warren and Claire McCaskill, all supported the rabid War Machine, and even Tulsi Gabbard only objects to where our murder is done, not to the fact it is done at all.  ..


It's expected that both houses of Congress will pass War Powers challenges to Yemen War, there is expectation that President Trump will veto the measure. This would be difficult veto for the president, and veto would be the president overriding Congress on refusing to back war that was..

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