the humble libertarian: the supreme court is a mirage

Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay Debts and provide for Defence and Welfare of United States and all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout United States. ... To provide for organizing, disciplining, and arming, Militia,..

the national debt and the control of the house

This second chart is scary, especially from security perspective, when you realize that many of the members of Democrat team that were responsible for the out-of-control increases in the debt from 2007 through 2010 will return to the same seats of power they held during that time in Congress. ***. ..

op-ed: the chisholm legacy

Congresswoman Lee is the first woman, and African American woman, to represent Northern California in House, and Congress. ... Chisholm's footsteps and lead Democratic Caucus, thereby becoming the highest ranking African American woman, ever, Congress.. ..

the tragedy of america's entry into world war i

Congress passed the National Defense Act, for example. It gave the president the authority, in a time of war 'or when war is imminent,' to place orders with private firms which would 'take precedence over all other orders and contracts.' ... What was later shown to be true was Pershing’s lying to..

china infiltrates american campuses

Third, Congress can also change laws to make life inhospitable for Confucius Institutes. ... Rachelle Peterson of the National Association of Scholars told Gatestone that there are now three bills before Congress -- the Foreign Influence Transparency Act, the Stop Higher Education Espionage..



Congress set it in 1911, and following the 1920 census, lawmakers refused to add seats out of concern that House was getting too big to function effectively. In 1929, Congress passed law capping the size of House and shifting responsibility for future reapportionments onto Commerce..

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