
lawmakers worry world bank is funding china's uighur muslim

It's just not possible to do anything Xinjiang right now that's not controlled very tightly by Communist Party, American Enterprise Institute Dan Blumenthal, director for China at Defense Department, told Washington Examiner.. ..

china bans textbooks on uighur culture

For 15 years, Yalqun Rozi skillfully navigated state bureaucracies to publish textbooks that taught classic poems and folk tales to millions of his fellow minority Uighurs in China's far western region of Xinjiang. . That all changed three years ago when the ruling Communist Party launched.. original

Pelosi and the unions she depends on for political support despise all things Chinese for the simple reason that China, today, is more capitalist than the U.S. – in spite of the Chinese Communist Party’s ostensible commitment to Marxist ideology. ... The regime sanctified..

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