iraq: secret detention, no recourse

The International Commission on Missing Persons, estimates that the number of missing people Iraq could range from 250,000 to one million people, with International Committee of Red Cross stating that Iraq has the number of missing people in the world.. ..

monthly review

Far more significant are the arms industry, which U.S. aid to Israel subsidizes; the oil industry, which sees Israel as a balance to the regional power of oil-rich Arab states; the Christian right, which believes Jewish rule over all of biblical Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming; and..

iraq: strengthen domestic violence bill

Iraq's Anti-Violence against Women Strategy, and National Strategy on Advancement of Women Iraq, adopted in 2014, call for legislation on violence against women.. Several treaty bodies, including the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women, parties to pass violence..

au: activists challenge attacks on icc

In January, ICC prosecutor opened the court's first investigation outside Africa, into Georgia, and is conducting preliminary examinations of situations outside Africa including Afghanistan, Colombia, Palestine, crimes attributed to the armed forces of United Kingdom deployed Iraq.. The..

in rare interview, bush defends the war in iraq

Tenet, whose agency is under fire for prewar intelligence reports that seemed to overstate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. ... Bush took issue with suggestions that the commission he appointed Friday to investigate intelligence failures was structured to limit any political damage to..

cia said iraq had nuclear program

But this official's account differs from one that Alan Foley, a CIA expert on weapons of mass destruction, gave in closed-door testimony Wednesday to the Senate Intelligence Committee, according to news accounts. . Foley reportedly told senators that Joseph had asked him whether the speech could..

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