
democrats, stuck in watergate mode, bungle lewandowski testimony

''When you refuse to answer these questions, you are obstructing the work of our committee,' Nadler said. 'You are also proving our point for the American people to see: The president is intent on obstructing our legitimate oversight. ..

the sorry state of the nobel peace prize

The problem with this nomination is that just few years earlier,  in 1898, Roosevelt, then Assistant Secretary of Navy, pushed for American against Spain. This was question Nobel Prize Committee seemed to ignore. — Henry Kissinger   Kissinger received the in 1973 for  his part in..

when young george washington started a war

This reconstruction of Fort Necessity Farmington, Pennsylvania, ation from archaeological study of the site during the early 1950s By May 24, Washington had encamped at Great Meadows, one of the few open clearings amid Appalachian woods. ..

american psychopathy

The original members of the Global Ocean Commission remain unchanged in 2019 with one member having deceased. Members include John Podesta (chair of the Center for American Progress and a former White House chief of staff and member of the ClimateWorks board of directors), Sri Mulyani..

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