maldives: opposition candidates barred from election

The commission also threatened to dissolve Maldivian Democratic Party if its candidate, former President Mohamed Nasheed, contested the May 30 primaries. On May, Election Commission announced that it would nullify any primary results in which the nominee failed to meet the..

turkey: crackdown on kurdish opposition

The lifting of parliament members immunity was criticized by the Council of Europe's, Venice Commission, by Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, and by Monitoring Committee of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in June 2016 resolution on the functioning of..

congress nears ok of terror tribunals

By our terrorist enemies as evidence of, Carl Levin, top Democrat on Senate Armed Services Committee, objected that the measure would be used U.S hypocrisy when it comes to proclamations of human rights... Will my Democrat friends work with Republicans to give the president the..

death penalty bill goes forward

Zirkin, a Baltimore County Democrat, paced the floor and rubbed his jaw and temples as the others debated. . ... Baker, a Cecil County Democrat, has told committee members that he's not planning to schedule a vote on it. . ..

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