israeli attitudes towards american jews

This gap goes back to the early days when David Ben-Gurion got into battle with Jacob Blaustein, president of American Jewish Committee. Ben-Gurion stated that American Jews needed to move to Israel, which generated series of exchanges between the two as to the character and..

michael conway: the mueller report won't stay secret forever. how

House Judiciary Committee . One way or the other — sooner or later — the full Mueller report will be revealed to the American public redaction-free. ... Conway is a graduate of Yale Law School, a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a retired partner of Foley &..

jesus and the pharisees: an international interreligious conference

It will take place in cooperation with the Cardinal Bea Center for Judaic Studies of the Pontifical Gregorian University at the latter’s Aula Magna May 7-9 and is co-sponsored by AJC (the American Jewish Committee), the CEI (the Italian Bishops Conference), the Gregorian University..

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