
The co-chairs of National Defense Strategy Commission testified before Senate Armed Services Committee to discuss the findings and recommendations of their final report. ..!/quality/90/?

justice department says julian assange charges, if they exist, can't

The argument came in response to Nov by Reporters Committee for Freedom of Press. ... Special counsel Robert Mueller's team has been investigating how WikiLeaks obtained hacked emails from Democratic National Committee. ..!/quality/90/?

republicans must resist democrats' dangerous nuclear disarmament plans

Politico notes that incoming House Armed Services Committee Chairman Adam Smith, D-Wash., disarmament group, The rationale for the I do not think exists anymore. ..

do white women always vote for republicans?

Board of Education decision, had supported Civil Rights Act of 1957, and had chaired President's Committee on Government Contracts. ... The ERA did pass Senate in 1953, with greater support from Republicans than from Democrats, and it was blocked from in House by Democratic Judiciary..

remembering alger hiss in the age of russia-gate

He also worked for Nye Committee in the 1930s, Congressional into war profiteering led by Gerald Nye that exposed how United Aircraft sold airplane engines to Germany for use Luftwaffe fighter planes, how Nazi troops were armed with American guns, and that Union Banking Corporation had engaged in..

sec-iac: disclosures on esg topics

However, my hope is to at least plant seeds, since the Commission has to respond in writing to recommendations made by the SEC, whereas comments to the Commission can be ignored. . . SEC – Investor Advisory Committee . Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street, N.E...

yale moves to dismiss simons lawsuit

Pattis said Simons has also filed complaint to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Department of Education and Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities.. ... Chairs of School of Medicine's Committee on Status of Women Medicine, Nina Stachenfeld and..

pro-war capitalist tool nancy pelosi for house speaker

Obama’s neoliberal harshness continuing under Trump; . . tax cuts for the rich, benefitting her and her husband enormously, without admitting it; . . increasingly unaffordable marketplace medicine, ripping off consumers for profit, leaving millions uninsured, most Americans way underinsured; . . the USA..

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