how do we end the never-ending wars?

For millennia, philosophers and Christian theologians have worked on a framework for guiding the ethical prosecution of wars. ... Aquinas’s views became the model for later scholars, who universalized just war theory beyond its Christian foundations, recasting it in terms of what is..

christians can make america more civil by returning to core beliefs

What's more, Christian conviction that Jesus is Lord, lived out in time, produces kind of holy abandonment, releasing Christians to give of themselves in service to the most in their communities and around the world. . In other words, what produces nastiness from Christians is not..!/image/203589745.jpg_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/203589745.jpg

the fake nazi death camp: wikipedia’s longest hoax, exposed - israel

Christian Davies, The Guardian’s correspondent in Warsaw, published a brief but riveting history of the myth of the gas chambers at Jozef Bem Street in a recent edition of The London Review of Books. ... However, as Christian Davies wrote, “the more Trzcinska’s claims were challenged,..

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