united states department of state

As representatives of the international community, we are deeply concerned about China’s escalating, widespread, and undue restrictions on religious freedom, and call on the Chinese government to respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all individuals.  Many members of..

the economic 'scramble for africa'

When news of the deal appeared in headlines, most sources focused on the benefits and challenges for Africa; some made note of the development aid and construction already being undertaken by China. ... Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks on China-Africa Cooperation at the Great..


us declares china's religious persecution 'the stain of the century'

We urge U.S to view China's religious policies and freedom of religious belief in manner, .. Pompeo replied by deriding Chinese for demand control over the lives of Chinese people and their souls while claiming to support religious freedom... ..

open forum: july 20, 2019

The case hits the bullseye of the fears and stereotypes of Russians, that ' China will gulp down our national heritage.. Had to laugh when Chinese man detained and imprisoned by Chicoms is referred to on ABC as Australian blogger... ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.