regimes of evil: colonization continues

Now any powerful or large nation state, such as the USA against Mexico, India against Kashmir, Europe against North Africa, Saudi Arabia against Yemen, Russia against Ukraine and China against Hong Kong, can follow this same path and expand their interest and authority at the expense of others, in..

us senators are worried tiktok could be a risk to national security

Ample & growing evidence exists that TikTok's platform for western markets, including U.S., censoring content in line with # China's government directives. ... The spokesperson did not clarify, however, how requests from TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, China-based company, are handled..

-china trade war

At the time, China's Capital Flight laws allow Chinese living outside the country to access only per person annually from their bank accounts, de Villiers said... The trade war between China and U.S. has increased the demand for dollars among Chinese living in U.S. ..


The Globalists’ Race Against Time on China . By David Archibald, AMERICAN THINKER To recap briefly, most of the communist countries collapsed by 1991 and the Western democratic tradition was seen as the winner of an existential battle that had waged since the Russian Revolution of 1917.  .....

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