drug channels: our stat op-ed: drug importation can’t coexist with

The requirement for unique standardized numerical identifiers means there is no legal or operational way of transforming drug packaged for Canadian market into drug that meets U.S requirements of DSCSA's track-and-trace system.. ... Smart criminals and foreign enemies of U.S will penetrate..

the correct language to adopt

Positive adoption language. lacks respect for the family members who were separated from one another by adoption, as Origins Canada, Canadian group seeking to reunite them says, respect for mothers. ..

the daily — police-reported crime statistics, 2018

Despite the decline, the homicide rate was higher than the Canadian average over the previous decade. . ... According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, from January 2016 to December 2018, 11,500 people died of opioid overdoses, which continues to be a crisis in many Canadian..

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