governments pressure russia to act on chechnya abuses

Fifteen governments Europe and North America have taken rare and important step to press Russia to end human rights violations and abuses Chechnya.. On August, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK, and..

monthly review

Still more ominous from an environmental standpoint is the drive by oil companies and the five Arctic powers (the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, and Denmark) to drill deepwater wells in the Arctic—made increasingly accessible due to global warming. ..

government news 29/9

The Ambassadors of Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Canada, Serbia, Timor Leste, Pakistan, Canada, and representatives from the embassies of the US, Russia, France, Thailand, India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Brunei, Kuwait, Poland, and Czech..

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