
sorry, pete buttigieg, but democrats also abuse religious

According to Pete Buttigieg, Republican Party has no right to use religious language.. ... Pulling the card on Thursday, Buttigieg continued. And for party that associates with Christianity to say that it's OK to suggest that God would smile on the division of families at the hands of..

fiery democratic debate: race, age, health care, trump

Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, of Indiana, and Harris. Together, the two nights gave millions of Americans their first inside Democrats unruly 2020 season.. ... Others on Thursday night included South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Buttigieg and Harris, n support in opinion polls. ..!/quality/90/?

pete buttigieg is right: tariffs are taxes on americans

Pete Buttigieg is in Democratic party, and he stood out from the crowd during Thursday night's presidential debate. In field containing several socialists and trade restrictionists such as Bernie Sanders, Buttigieg took stand for free trade.. ..

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