early-life inequalities and biological ageing: a multisystem

It consists of a general population sample (GPS), a stratified clustered random sample of households representative of the UK population, as well as a smaller component from the pre-existing British Household Panel Survey. ... Physiological wear-and-tear and later subjective health in mid-life:..

population bomb or bomb the population?

And the famous British naturalist Sir David Attenborough’s tells us that “All environmental problems become harder, and ultimately impossible, to solve with ever more people.” . Attenborough is a patron of Optimum Population Trust, also known as Population Matters, an influential..

2019: a new york times line.

Nathan Thrall bombards readers with repeated falsehoods and distortions — for example, the claim that Arabs owned 90 percent of land in British Palestine when in fact they owned closer to 14 percent. . . . . . . . . . . . ..

ltr mueller probe observation and nation

British band played tune called. Welcome to the accelerating decline of US Empire, the successor to Roman Empire, and with drone bombs, iPhones, microwaves, LED TV screens, gluten-free groceries, rock'n roll, microfiber, food, lattes, regime change uber alles, thermonuclear bombs, Donald Trump,..


British Red Cross Offers Help for Flood-Hit Regions in Iran  . . Parliament Speaker Calls on Executive Bodies to Send Prompt Aid to Flood-Hit People  . . ..

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