is the us selling another war?

Just last week, John Bolton, advisor of the US, accused Iran of targeting its oil tankers and pipelines in Persian Gulf. Neither Johnson Bolton happened to have any solid evidence regarding the in the Gulf and they both appeared rather confident because they, may or may..


Zarif Reminds New British PM of Iran's Resolve to Protect Territorial Waters in Persian Gulf  . . Zarif: John Bolton Dragging UK into Quagmire  . . . . . . ..

come on back to the war

Since Bolton announced the movement of the Lincoln carrier strike group towards the Persian Gulf, some have pointed out that the vessels could well be destined for use in a “false flag” provocation, such as one planned by former Vice President Dick Cheney in 2008 (to be..

is a war with iran on the horizon?

No “retaliatory strikes” were launched, but plans do undoubtedly now exist for them and it’s not hard to imagine Bolton and Pompeo persuading Trump to go ahead and use them — with incalculable consequences. . Finally, there’s the Persian Gulf itself. Ever since the George..

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