king bibi reigns supreme – harry's place

Sharon made mincemeat out of Netanyahu in 2003, Sharon put his faith Israelis to follow him once he had articulated his strategy. From Blue and White to Labor until this new generation of Israeli politicians learns to articulate vision for the future of Israel they always see themselves..!/quality/90/?

netanyahu's fate might not be decided for weeks as israeli exit polls

Exit polls tracked with final preelection surveys showing Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party neck and neck with Benny Gantz’s centrist Blue and White coalition. ... Netanyahu warned voters to “look at the slips carefully before voting.” ..!/quality/90/?

benjamin netanyahu poised to remain prime minister of israel

Despite exit polls showing that Netanyahu's right-wing Likud party and Benny Gantz's Blue and White coalition were neck-and-neck and it might be while before winner emerged, Netanyahu was pulling ahead to another term as prime minister, s. ..

benjamin netanyahu's likud party pulls ahead slightly in israeli

Israeli exit polls indicated earlier that Netanyahu's Likud party and Benny Gantz's Blue and White party were locked in race that is too close to call... ... Ahead of the election, Blue and White in the lead, and Netanyahu, looked more likely to form coalition. ..


Likud party, led by Netanyahu, and Blue and White alliance, led by former Israeli Defense Forces Benny Gantz, are considered the main rivals in the polls to elect members of Knesset .. ..

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