private religious school pledges $27 million in reparations to

The approved series of new initiatives, ranging from increased student financial assistance to curriculum changes to added support for Center for Black Church Studies, is direct response to a report the Seminary published October 2018 after conducting two-year historical audit.. ... ..

racial inequality a sting in american society

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, black mothers and children die at disproportionately higher rates regardless of their income levels.. According to data from Center for Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, hate crimes..

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In fact, Black center/right politicians supported Israel while radical Black forces aligned with organizations such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and its vision of radical Third World nationalism and a democratic socialist state. ..

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Supporters of the legislation include the American College of Nurse-Midwives, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs, Black Mamas Matter Alliance, Black Women Birthing Justice, Black Women’s Health Imperative,..

uncovering black marxist feminism

McDuffie and Davies work seeks to excavate the experiences of Black women and move their stories out of the margins and into the center of radical history. ... Both texts are paving the in uncovering the rich history of Black Marxist feminism and moving these inspirational..

police and youth dialogue about police shootings over film 'the hate u

“Blacks and whites also differ over the root causes of the fatal incidents between police and blacks in recent years,” the PEW Research Center said. “Even before the recent lethal encounters between police and black men in Tulsa and Charlotte, the survey found that blacks are 25..

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‘Twelve out of the 13 black current and former employees we contacted cited racism at the Center, which was a shocker to me. As of 1995, the Center had hired only two black attorneys in its entire history.’”[28] . ..

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