your illinois news radar » a tragic failure

Now, we can raise rates on everyone, currently, and ensure our flat tax hurts those most vulnerable, or we can graduate that scale and lessen the blow for those at the bottom and require more from those who can afford it. . . - wordslinger - Monday, Nov 26, 18 @ 12:31 pm: . ..

three macro reasons why the united states should care about india

“Every day, India has to wake up to worry about two neighbors: Pakistan, with whom it has fought three wars, and China, which is building ports all over India as part of its One Belt One Road initiative,” said Roemer. . ... Further, the “exorbitant interest rates” that China has levied on..

monday forum: november 26, 2018

We used to hadta get up a'six in the morning, clean newspaper, eat stale bread, go to work down the mill, for day, week out for 6 cents month, and when we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt... 1 7. ..

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