is italy now in good hands?

Conte promised that a 'new chapter' would begin for Italy in his speech on Thursday, but he was very sketchy on the details of his programme, comments political scientist Sofia Ventura in La Stampa: . ..


TEHRAN (FNA)- US immigration authorities will commence an operation at the direction of US President Donald Trump on Sunday to begin rounding up nearly 2,000 illegal immigrants residing in the United States, media reported. . . . . ..

6.22.2019 : la imc

Most likely because no “matthew” and no “jesus” ever existed at all to begin with. . 4. ... Should you be wondering how i dare compare a so-called ‘indoeuropean’ language (russian) with a non-indoeuropean, possibly protosemitic one (sumerian): the distinction is nonsense: all human..

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