hal shurtlef

The Gillette commercial is diabolical failure from the beginning because it establishes premise — that masculinity is abusive... ..

europe finally sanctions iran

Is this the beginning of Europe’s biblically prophesied hardened stance on Iran? ... On January 4, the Iranian Navy announced that, beginning in March, it would deploy warships into the Atlantic and as far as the Gulf of Mexico. ..


a study in contrasts: pompeo vs. obama on the middle east

He told you that the United States and the Muslim world needed, quote, “a new beginning,” end of quote. . ... By “living up to his word” and granting Israel major concessions on the front end, Trump has in effect killed any chance of engaging with the Palestinians before talks even..


the inside story of how roosevelt, churchill, and stalin won world war

D-Day marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany. . . . . A young man looks up at the memorial to the Allied forces who landed on Omaha Beanch in Normandy in 1944. . . . ... He’d been on to Stalin from the beginning and he did not trust the Communists at their word. ..


trump administration should use leverage to rein in saudi's bin salman

Then-Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubeir reciprocated, saying, “This is the beginning of a turning point in the United States and the Arab and Islamic world.” . ... Almost four years after the war’s beginning and thousands of deaths later, it’s difficult to point to the strategic..

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