
russia hates hbo series 'chernobyl', decides to make its own show

The only things missing are the bears and accordions. quipped Stanislav Natanzon, the anchor of Russia 24, one of the main news channels.. ..!/quality/90/?

the hyde amendment is saving (mostly nonwhite) lives

The difference between the two sides of the debate is that one believes women benefit from being relieved of the undue burden of bearing unexpected children, the loss of those babies lives is personal and national tragedy.. ..

waterloo for the national popular vote movement?

The Special Counsel Report that bears his name (that many observers theorize was actually supervised by Andrew Weissman, who has a track record of deceptive practices causing his politically-charged convictions to be overturned) has been exposed as omitting key information to create false impressions..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.