on the glorification of jacinda ardern

Following March terrorist attack by Australian Brenton Tarrant, the establishment and New Zealand, Australia, the US and Europe have sought to wash their hands of any responsibility for the massacre.. ... Like similar articles in UK Guardian and New Zealand and Australian, New York Times..


He also posted two pictures along with his tweet showing that Trump, in his race for the White House, tells media “I think Islam hates us” and another screenshot showing hate-tweets of Australian Senator Fraser Anning who blames immigrant Muslims for violence in his country. . ..

why did this just happen again?

However else you want to decipher this set of facts and the facts that have come to light since the massacre in Christchurch, I was on watch lists in both New Zealand and Australia, and this Australian fascist with a long and active record of hate speech on the internet was able to get a license to..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.