how the first world war inspired the eu

Opening the assembly in 1952, Monnet told the delegates, ‘You are the first government of Europe.’ . ... But in 1954 all these heady plans were brought to nought by the French Assembly, prompting Monnet in 1955 to resign from his Coal and Steel post. ..

israelophobia is stalinist regression

Actual revolutionary socialists called for opening the door to Palestine to Jews from Europe and other continents and also to Arabs from surrounding areas for equality of rights, for working-class unity and for reconciliation from below for break with Zionist and Arab chauvinism and for convening..

gov. lee signs school safety bill into law modeled after wcs protocol

Freshman legislator Ogles, who adopted school safety as an area of focus during the 111th General Assembly, said the protocol is designed to strengthen school safety by giving districts a guide to protect students.  . “I am proud that each and every member of the General Assembly joined..

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