un general assembly president asks for more women in

Women are still vastly under-represented leadership positions around the world, and it's time to change it for good, said UN General Assembly President Maria Fernanda Espinosa on Friday.. Maria Fernanda Espinosa Garces, President of United Nations General Assembly, speaks during press..


southeast asian women call for greater opportunities, lament war and

Chak Sopheap, the executive director of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) who attended the event, said people must not be denied their rights to freedom of assembly and expression. . ... Am Sam Ath, a senior official at domestic rights group Licadho, said people’s rights to..


“We are also calling on the Senate of National Assembly to fulfil its pledge to investigate concerns raised in our report, ‘They Betrayed Us’, so that survivors can get justice,” the statement read. . ..

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