
democrats, stuck in watergate mode, bungle lewandowski testimony

And I will remind you, Nadler continued, that Article of the impeachment against President Nixon was based on obstruction of Congress... ... Article 1 then went on to accuse Nixon and his men of engaging in course of conduct or plan designed to delay, impede, and obstruct the..

the deadly toll for palestinian women

version of the draft bill that Human Rights Watch reviewed in 2018 included article that obligated all ministries and institutions to reduce violence by developing programs, policies, and plans to combat such violence and to promote policy response, including education.. ..

to jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war

But the linked article tells you just how intemperate Bolton is. . John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s fired national security adviser, harshly criticized Trump’s foreign policy on Wednesday at a private lunch, saying that inviting the Taliban to Camp David sent a “terrible signal” and that..

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