
rep. french hill: 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall,

Bush mustered America’s resources to help central and Eastern Europe get back on their feet, shake off the failures of communism, and rejoin the family of nations. ..!/quality/90/?

'what i said was accurate': sen. kennedy defends calling pelosi 'dumb'

During Friday on America's Newsroom, Kennedy reiterated that the effort to impeach the president by Pelosi-led House Democrats was dumb... ... But this one's 100% political, and it's going to establish norm for America that I think is bad for us... ..


Born Baghdad, the son of Iraqi Army major, he'd come to hold ideas about America that by 2006, many of his fellow Iraqis did not share.. ... By the end of his presidency, Ronald Reagan spoke of America as the city on hill, city teeming with people of all kinds living harmony and peace,..

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