
how slavery doomed limited government in america

In her telling, black patriotism is rooted in appreciation for the contributions that their ancestors made to the nation even through exploitation and pain, especially in their valiant fights to make America more faithfully live up to its founding principles of liberty. ..!/quality/90/?

the skimpy electoral base of the celebrity political left

Disastrous performances by a mayor and prosecutor after a highly-publicized death of someone in police custody played a major role in making Baltimore today America’s No. 1 major city in homicides. ..

legal newswire

Weinberger has been named to the prestigious  Best Lawyers America© list for 2020. ... Best Lawyers America lists are compiled based on exhaustive peer-review evaluation with over 83,000 industry leading lawyers eligible to vote on the legal abilities of nominated lawyers. ..

in military affairs, quantity really does matter

In recent article, the staff at Stratfor Worldview noted how the unwillingness and or inability of allies to work with U.S to address security concerns limits the ability of America to meet new challenges. . ... In such world, the capacity of U.S military to defend America's interests..

manufacturing mass fascism hysteria

This white supremacist terrorist kill-fest was going to be revenge for the preventively self-defensive beating of Andy Ngo, “the most dangerous fascist grifter in America,” by Antifa militants earlier this month. . ... How do we cover America, that’s become so divided by Donald Trump?..

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