liberation from the parasite state

Liberalism arose in the 17th and 18th centuries as Europe and America's response to monarchical absolutism. ... Nowhere — not even in England or America — was this system consistently realized in every aspect of life. ..!/quality/90/?

byron york: impeachment vote a warning — to trump and pelosi

Resolved, that Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is unfit to be President, unfit to represent the American values of decency and morality, respectability and civility, honesty and propriety, reputability and integrity, is unfit to defend the ideals that have made America great, unfit..

hating america after 9/11 – the future of freedom

Thus, once one mentally conflates the god with America the country, it's logical that he will jump to the conclusion that that constitutes conclusive and irrefutable proof that he hates America.. ... Thus, U.S officials and their conservatives supporters were outraged and came after us..

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