
trump 'crossed a dangerous line' accusing the new york times of

By seeking the truth and helping people understand the world, Over 167 years, through 33 presidential administrations, Times has sought to serve America and its citizens. ..

blogger news network

America’s Mass Murderer — Richard Cheney . Posted on December 31st, 2009 by Ed Kent and read 2,262 times. . ... America Deserves an Award: Great Stewards of the Environment . Posted on December 28th, 2009 by D.H. ..

stonewall and the early days

During the McCarthyite witch hunts in 1950s America it was believed that a homosexual underground existed as part of a “communist conspiracy”. ... The sixties blew apart the repressive political climate and stifling conventions of the 1950s, with massive civil unrest throughout America...

hyde amendment significantly blocks people from abortions, study says

Abortion rights groups have been pushing for a repeal of Hyde for years, arguing that it essentially creates a two-tiered system in America where middle-class and wealthy people can get abortions but many low-income people cannot. ... The study also reveals some of the reality of abortion in..!/quality/90/?

supreme court is clear: government hostility to religion not ok

In saving Bladensburg Peace Cross from American Humanists bulldozers, Supreme Court has brought common sense and clarity to this important First Amendment issue Constitution does not require eliminating the great symbols of America's from the public square... Whether American Humanist Association..

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