monthly review

Bush has declared America at war “with Islamic fascists seeking to destroy freedom loving societies.” It is hard here not to invoke Huey Long’s famous idea that fascism would come to America clothed as anti-fascism  | more… . . . ..

fondly remembering richard nixon

In an evening nationally televised address, Nixon said: “By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in America.” ... He left office to hasten “the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in..

if you think it’s bad now…

No one in 1969 could have imagined America as it now is, so anything is possible fifty years from now. ... Trump should deviate from state-of-the-union custom and also point out that we are at a national intersection, in which the Democrats are offering a vision of America that is arguably..

what 4 economists say about the state of the union

As a candidate, Trump promised to eliminate America’s national debt in eight years through faster economic growth. ... As a result, America’s trade deficit with the world – one of the president’s most-cited metrics and a reason he’s fighting his trade wars – widened to a..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.