in god we trust: behind the push for bible studies in public schools

Critics say the groups are trying to reshape America by cementing pro-Christian messages in public schools. . ... The ACLU provided a copy of the 2018 version of the playbook, called the 'Report and Analysis on Religious Freedom Measures Affecting Prayer and Faith in America.' ..

revisiting our america › cuba › granma

Martí's of Our America is 128 years old. At that time, many former Spanish colonies had achieved their independence and the young republics whet the appetites of the empire that was gathering force North America.. ... These represent attempts to South-South cooperation or contact..

election day in america

Election Day in America . January 23, 2019 . . to go live in a new posthumous trade edition, as promised. ... The back cover has photos from an election “happening” and a cut-up text about “E-Day in America.” . ..

our counterfeit social security crisis

The same goes for the endless fearmongering and scare stories about America's most government program, Social Security.. ... He urged legislators to address the real drivers of the debt and adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future... ..

east asia’s decoupling

America’s share of final export demand is still ahead of China’s in Japan, Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia. ... When it comes to trade, America clearly has far less leverage than it once did. ..


'It really hurts, because you're talking about the most basic level of assistance,' she added, noting that 'we don't want their money, we don't want anything to do with America'. . ... 'When America vacates the Middle East space, we do so at our own risk,' they added. . ..

commentary: catholic church’s shameful history of native american

Catholic parishes examine the church's record of actively participating in the conquest and colonization of Native Americans and West, part of the in the 19th and 20th centuries to gain mainstream America. ... Cossen is the book review editor for H-SHGAPE and is working on his first book, Making..

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