
By recognizing that members of congress have standing to sue, the court proved to all America today that no one is above the law, not even the president, Elizabeth Wydra, president of Constitutional Accountability Center, Washington-based liberal organization representing the lawmakers, stated.. ..

libyan result signals change in u.s. strategy

Obama's foreign policy approach has made him critics on the right, who say his one-of-the-gang approach has diminished America's stature in the world; and on the left, who view his embrace of drone strikes a violation of his pledge to restore the rule of law to national security. . ..

senate confirms kagan as 112th justice

Kagan 'is truly a person of the political left -- now they call themselves progressives -- one who has a history of working to advance the values of the left wing of the Democratic Party, and whose philosophy of judging allows a judge to utilize the power of their office to advance their vision for what..

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