the right has power in latin america, but no plan

Venezuela had apparently not initially been on Trump’s radar. During his presidential campaign, he rarely mentioned the economically beleaguered South American nation. ... It is clear that Rubio, who is beholden to right-wing Cuban-American and Venezuelan-American donors..

american zombies - main forum

The most telling example occurred in the 2016, in which many Americans voted for Donald Trump she would have started World War 3 on behalf of Jews. One of the greatest deceptions ever perpetrated against American people continues to be Donald Trump's obsession with..

re-posting: interview with tulsi gabbard

On September 13, 2018, Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard took to the floor of House to rebuke the administration, accusing President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence of protecting. ... Trump administration's continued protection of Al Qaeda is betrayal of American people,..


Blasting the futile decision by administration of US President Donald Trump over imposing sanctions on the Iranian diplomatic chief, who is seen as a vocal and public critic of American policy towards Tehran, Sherman stated that the move belies the American leader call for talks with no..

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