'it's dangerous': new york times publisher responds to trump's media

But in demonizing the free press as the enemy, ation to light, President Trump is retreating from American principle... Trump's on Wednesday followed the publication on Tuesday of investigation by The Times that reported Trump tried to blunt multiple investigations into his..

why democrats own el paso

El Paso shooting is still under investigation, Democrats and the media have wasted no time using the massacre to further inject Trump's pro- American nationalism. .. ... Trump calls for merit-based immigration policy, one that accepts people who have viable skills and the..

american rivers

American Rivers - December 4, 2017, 12 20 12 PM... American Rivers - June 28, 2017, 07 00 52 AM... Trump's Infrastructure Plan Fails to Deliver Statement from American Rivers. ..

mapping the american war on terror

Recently, the Trump administration has been talking of withdrawing from Syria and negotiating peace with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Yet, unbeknownst to many Americans, the war on terror reaches far beyond such lands and under Trump is actually ramping up in a number of places. ..


the American president said. . Trump’s proclamation came just days after he warned European countries that they must repatriate and put on trial the 800-odd European IS fighters currently held captive by the US’ Syrian allies or the jihadists would be released, certain to “permeate..

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