donald trump: a successful us president

Today, if we look, Donald Trump might be American for the rest of the world, and he has proven to be one of the best for American public.. ... Donald Trump, on the other hand, ments that he values the economic benefits Saudi Arabia offers American public more..

trump a russian agent or asset?

There’s concern about a possible sinister Trump/Russia connection because of his “behavior.” Is he “working on behalf of Russia against American interests?”  . An FBI probe wanted to find out what was clear without investigating. ..

trump invokes one of the worst native american

Post's Greg Miller reported that Trump had gone to extraordinary lengths to keep his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin secret, even from top administration officials.. Washington Post ABC poll on Sunday found that 53 percent of Americans blame Trump and GOP for..;630;7;70;5.jpg

judge blocks trump birth control rules in 13 states and d.c.

The Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the nonprofit political arm of Planned Parenthood, said Sunday: 'Birth control IS health care — no matter what the Trump-Pence administration thinks or whether your boss agrees with it.' . . Most Americans get their health insurance through their..

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