lessons from the holy land

This is Trump’s America. Now that American Jews have been specifically targeted, with our commitment to welcoming the stranger the focus of the killer’s rage, will the American People finally wake up and see the demagogue within our midst? Can the citizens of this democracy finally..

president trump at 91st national ffa convention

National FFA members are shining examples of what is great about America and what is great about American agriculture, so that’s a shame. . If President Trump and the media had stuck around, they would have heard a real “Make America Great” speech from Breanna Holbert of California,..

most americans see a sharply divided nation

Overall, 59% of Americans disapprove of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 40% of Americans approve.. More specifically,  83% of Republicans approve of how Trump is handling the job, while 92% of Democrats and 61% of Independents strongly disagree. ...

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