religion and politics: do they belong together?

But it adds that religious appeals to voters are divisive and contrary to American ideal of including all Americans in the political process... Perhaps because of its ambiguity, ment gained support from 14 organizations -- Christian and Jewish and Muslim, Sikh and Hindu.. ..

monthly review

These individuals and groups recognized that Daniel Pipes and other right-wing groups were launching a campaign much wider than KGIA to cast doubts and suspicion on Arab and Muslim Americans who were seeking to expand their positions in the United States. . ..

iraqis divided on assessments

Al-Maliki's political foes, including Sunni Muslim legislators and Shiite Muslims loyal to anti- American Muqtada al-Sadr, derided the assessments as soft on Iraqi government and designed to quench President Bush's thirst for good news.. ..

alito has proved a friend to religion

In doing so, he rejected the complaint filed by American Civil Liberties Union that the in front of City Hall promoted official religion.. Alito, by contrast, held that Muslim police officers and American Indians with the black bears were entitled to exemptions based on their..

section 1: a demographic portrait of muslim

Despite the high proportion of immigrants in Muslim American, the majority report that they are U.S citizens. ... For example, interviewing used to identify Muslim respondents for Pew Research Center's 2011 Muslim American survey finds that 87% of people..

post september 11 attitudes

By religion when they carried out the, Favorable views of Muslim- Americans have risen from 45% March to 59% today, even. ... Despite the image of Muslim- Americans, few Americans know much about Muslim faith and even fewer feel their religion has..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.