the faces of change in the midterm elections

Bhojwani, who recently published a book on the new wave of first and second-generation Americans running for office. (Two Democratic candidates could fit the bill she described.) . . . In redder states, candidates are less likely to make explicit appeals to their identity. ..

america’s domestic terrorists

But now we have several years of the same for the obvious morphing of Democrat Party into what can be described at worst, or supporter of terrorism, at best.  . As Americans, supporters of Constitution and Rule of Law, there are two immediate actions we must take, far left,..

america's domestic terrorists

But now we have several years of the same for the obvious morphing of Democrat Party into what can be described at worst, or supporter of terrorism, at best.. As Americans, supporters of Constitution and Rule of Law, there are two immediate actions we must take, far left, totalitarians..

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