new advisor is "bolton lite"

[While O’Brien is being touted as having recently been involved with the release of the African American rapper A$AP Rocky from Swedish custody, the journalist Hijo del Cuervo  notes on Twitter: “O’Brien was a Rotary scholar at the University of the Free State in South Africa. ..,fl_progressive,g_center,h_900,q_80,w_1600/mn8nlbvrflulxspmlrcw.jpg

white anti-vaxxers colonize civil rights rhetoric in heated protests

Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), a Taiwanese American doctor who authored the new legislation, have veered unabashedly into racism. . One Twitter post included Pan’s headshot in a lineup of three other Asian doctors who are pro-vaccine with the phrase “Authoritarians Unite!” ..

trump on iran: there are better options than war

They include stringent sanctions that would gag Iran's economy, sending more American forces to the region and starting campaign to keep Tehran on notice.. Trump's tweet followed repeated assertions by U.S that Iran was behind Saturday's attacks and Saudi Arabia called the strike a test..

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