
'you're corrupt': trump blasts media as he scolds reporter during

Ask the president of Finland question, please, Mason.. Mason then asked Niinistö question about American and World Trade Organization, though Trump interjected and began commenting on the question himself... ..!/quality/90/?

pelosi wants to pass major legislation with a president she’s trying

“The American people want us to do that. The president is saying, if you question my actions, I cannot agree on any subject, then the ball is in his court on that.” . ..!/quality/90/?

inside iran's escalating threat to americans

My specific concern is that Iran will go beyond shooting down American drones, and instead endanger American lives. ... First off, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's unwillingness to give President Hassan Rouhani the political space to renegotiate the 2015 nuclear accord. ..

law school dean dave douglas to return to faculty in 2020

Douglas has also worked to further the diversity and inclusion efforts at the law school, hosting multiple panels and other special events and commissioning a task force that recently presented its recommendations to the university’s chief diversity officer, president and provost. In 2018, a..

high stakes for lgbt americans at supreme court next week

Set to represent Aimee Stephens, a transgender worker in Michigan who was terminated from her job as a funeral director after she announced she’d transition, is David Cole, national legal director for the American Civil Liberties Union. . The attorney for Harris Funeral Homes is John Bursch,..

our man in london

Again I do not understand how telling Australian government who, in turn, told American that Mrs Clinton was compromised by Russians could help Mrs Clinton. There are only two possibilities President Obama or James Comey acting in wink-wink way as phony 'patriot to protect his boss and..

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