the humble libertarian: 100 ways donald trump is just like barack

As president he has bowed to pressure from the military industrial complex, and instead of bringing American soldiers home to MAGA, he has sent even more Americans to Afghanistan to fight in foreign civil wars. . . . . 7. ..

2018: year in review

Two great Americans . 2018 saw the death of two great American Republicans, President George H Bush and Senator John McCain, who both represented decency and consensus in US politics and who believed in a global leadership role for America. ..

folha de s.paulo - internacional - en - world

Operation Sandcastle was dismissed in Brazil but has been a treasure trove for attorney generals in other South American countries . 19.set.2018 às 9h31 . . Compartilhar nas redes sociais 'President Temer Talks about Numbered Tickets at Venezuelan Border' . . ..

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