monthly review

In year of loopy ironies, it took Republican, retired general, and disgraced Bush secretary of state Colin Powell, to call the question, insisting that it should be fine to be American Muslim, and president. ..

3. religion in public life

About half of Americans say it's important to them that president shares their religious beliefs, including 27%. While the questions are not directly comparable, that is more important to American people to have president with strong religious convictions even if those convictions..

hussein focused arms race on rockets

While White House was fixated on Saddam Hussein's interest in procuring biological and chemical weapons, evidence uncovered by American investigators suggests that Iraqi president spent his final years power more determined to develop and deploy conventional ballistic missiles, hoping to..

no public money for private schools

It is a cynical, campaign-season sop to voters sincerely anxious about the state of American education. An 'education president' presumably would understand that hollow gestures will not remedy the sorry condition of our public schools. . . . . . . . ..

Most controversial news of the day, as detected by AI.