socialism and the ballot

Greenspan and coauthor Adrian Wooldridge actually paint a dismal, if mythically American, picture of capitalism, which they claim to be the most democratic, globally. . To them, American capitalism is unlike capitalism elsewhere in the world, where unfortunately it is caught up with..

election 2018: the campaign showed the true divide in american

This sort of thing is not new in American history, and even recent American history, but the severity and scope of Republican anti-democratic behavior in 2018 represents a serious escalation. . ... It’s not that Republicans are anti-democratic, in the sense of wanting to..

13 questions about women and the midterms

According to figures tallied by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers, 428 women ran for Congress or governor as Democrats, compared to 162 Republicans. Democratic Party and bevy of grass-roots groups have poured millions into turning out voters of in key elections,..


As is often the case, Washington’s blatant foreign policy of bullying and sanctions threatens not just Iran, but the entire international community because it draws attention to the subtler bullying that is commonplace within the American political establishment. Both the Democratic and..

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